Raccoon Removal Tips And Tricks

Tired of Weeds? 4 Steps to Get Rid of Them and Keep Them Away

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If you have a yard, you know what a nuisance weeds can be. You probably spend hours trying to prevent weeds from overpowering your gardens. No matter how many hours you labor in your garden, the weeds still return with a vengeance. Unfortunately, some of your gardening techniques might be to blame for the overgrowth of weeds. Here are four steps you need to take to get rid of weeds and keep them away. Read More»

Pest Control Supplies That Should Be Standard In Your Garden, Yard, Garage, And Shed

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Pests of all kinds will seek out quiet places with a food supply and take up roost there. Mice, rats, voles, moles, shrews, and squirrels love your garage and shed, especially if you keep seeds and bird feed there. Spiders will fill out every vacant space they can in which to spin webs and catch bugs. Other pests, such as insects that like to destroy your garden, will march right in unless you do something about it. Read More»

Three Ways to Get the Most from Your Carpet

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Carpet can make quite a statement. The right carpet can define a room and bring all the components in the room together. The wrong carpet can make your whole home look dingy or uninviting. Thus, when you choose carpet for your house, you need to take the time to choose carpet that will improve the look of your home for years to come.  Neutral Background One approach to choosing carpet is to use a neutral color that you can use throughout your house. Read More»

Smartphone Projectors: Three Uses, Including Two You May Not Have Considered

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Just about everyone has a smartphone these days. Did you know that you can use yours as a source for large-scale images when coupled with a smartphone projector? Here are three ways you can put a smartphone projector to use, including a couple of creative ones you may not have thought about. Movies, TV, and Photos Of course, the obvious use for a smartphone projector in the home is to show movies, television shows, and photos, replacing many older devices. Read More»

3 Tips For Winterizing Your Vacation Lake Home During The Winter

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During the summer months, a vacation home on the shores of a lake become a vibrant place where families can spend time together and get away from the heat. But as Labor Day passes and the weather starts to turn, it is important to take measures to protect your lake home from the ravages of winter, especially if you will not be able to visit the property to check on its condition for a few months. Read More»