Raccoon Removal Tips And Tricks

Radon In Your Home? Everything You Need To Know

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Radon is a gas that is usually found in soil or in the air outside. It can seep into your home from the soil in the ground below it. When it seeps into your home, the levels can be high enough that they can cause health problems for you and your family. Radon can be dangerous at high levels. It can cause lung cancer from breathing in the gas in excessive amounts, and it can eventually lead to death. Read More»

Real Or Faux | What You Need To Know About Wood Floors

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Wood floors are a popular flooring choice and have been for hundreds of years. With the advent of modern technology, however, engineered wood floors are also an attractive possibility. While both work well, it is important to know the differences between real wood flooring and engineered wood floors to make the best decision for your home.  Durability Both hardwoods and engineered wood floors are durable choices that will last a long time. Read More»

Must-Read Advice If This Is Your First Winter With A Stone Patio

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Did you invest in a stone patio over the summer? If so, you likely are wondering what you can do to protect your patio and ensure it is ready when summer comes around again. You will need to be mindful of protecting the stone area of your new patio, and most likely your patio furnishings will also need to be protected if winter in your area is harsh. Use the following suggestions to get you started. Read More»

Do You Need Softened Water for Your Veggie Garden?

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If you live in an area where hard water is more common than not, you may have considered the installation of a whole-house water softener to help give the water in your home a better feel and taste (not to mention to avoid the heavy wear and tear on your water-using appliances). However, extending an interior water softener system to your outdoor spigots can be a bit more of an involved process. Read More»

Tired of Weeds? 4 Steps to Get Rid of Them and Keep Them Away

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If you have a yard, you know what a nuisance weeds can be. You probably spend hours trying to prevent weeds from overpowering your gardens. No matter how many hours you labor in your garden, the weeds still return with a vengeance. Unfortunately, some of your gardening techniques might be to blame for the overgrowth of weeds. Here are four steps you need to take to get rid of weeds and keep them away. Read More»