Raccoon Removal Tips And Tricks

4 Awesome Uses For Sand In Landscaping

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When it comes to landscaping your yard, sand is an excellent material to use. Sand looks great, it is soft to walk on, and is very versatile. If you would love to use sand as part of your landscaping, but aren’t exactly sure where to put it, then this article will help you out. It will discuss 4 awesome uses for sand in landscaping.  Pathways An excellent location to place sand is all along the pathways in your yard. Read More»

Winterizing Your Rainwater-Fed Lawn Sprinkler System

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Any outdoor appliance, pipe, or tank that contains water is at risk of damage in the winter months, since the water inside these appliances can freeze and cause cracks or other issues. One system that can be particularly tricky to winterize is a lawn sprinkler system that is fed by rainwater, since this system consists of two major potential points of failure that can be damaged by freezing water. Here are some tips for making sure this important system doesn’t resurface in spring as a cracked mess. Read More»

5 Ways To Seriously Upgrade Your Patio

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If your patio is getting ignored because it’s just the lackluster space out back everyone forgets about, it’s time for an upgrade. By putting some thought and money into making your patio more stylish and comfortable, you’re also upgrading your quality of life. Soon you will have an amazing outdoor space everyone will be clamoring to hang out in. Add Patio Louvers A louvered roof over your patio automatically turns your previously under-used outdoor area into a versatile indoor-outdoor space. Read More»

Spice Up Your Living Room On The Cheap

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Your living room is a great place to start when redecorating your home, especially if it’s the place your guests see most often. Giving your living room a fresh look doesn’t have to take a lot of money; here are some tips for spicing up the room without paying an arm and a leg.  Rearrange Existing Items Artfully Redecorating doesn’t always require you to buy new items. Consider rearranging the items that are already in the room. Read More»

What To Do When Pigeons Stop Minding Their P's And Coos

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With voracious appetites, relentless digestive cycles, and let-the-poops-fall-where-they-may attitudes, most pigeons aren’t known for their impeccable manners. So assuming you’re not a member of the American Racing Pigeon Union, pigeons likely contribute two things to your life—poop and property damage. Fortunately, the advice below will cleanse your home of problematic pigeons. Get A Big, Bad, Plastic Owl Plastic owls, though frequently used to scare pigeons, are not all created equal. The wrong plastic owl will serve only as an overpriced perch for opportunistic pigeons. Read More»